Christophe Hioco has been a passionate collector since his youth. His unbridled enthusiasm for Asian art started more than 25 years ago when J.P. Morgan Bank gave him the opportunity to live in Asia, first in Tokyo and later in Singapore. There he became knowledgeable about Asia and India, confirming his expertise in ancient art. In 2003, after 30 years as Managing Director with J.P. Morgan, he decided to focus on his passion and work in antiques, first in London and then in Paris, while also continuing as a collector, always in search of works of extreme quality. His son, Gildas Hioco, after graduating from University College London and HEC Paris, started his career in finance, specializing in Private Equity. In 2012 he concentrated his efforts on the creation of an investment fund specializing in art, and a year later joined the gallery. The Galerie’s criteria for selection are every bit as demanding as those of the world’s leading museums, and pay particular attention to the originality, quality, provenance and authenticity of the works it acquires. Christophe Hioco never hesitates to seek the opinion of independent experts recognized in their field, or to systematically use the latest, most sophisticated scientific methods to confirm the authenticity and integrity of the pieces proposed.This uncompromising approach and personal assurance, which stands behind every piece acquired, has enabled Galerie Hioco to build lasting relationships of unquestioned confidence with the leading collectors and museums around the globe, and to win the Galerie a place in the major Asian art events throughout the world: the Biennale des Antiquaires and the Parcours des Mondes in Paris, the BRAFA in Brussels and the Asia Week in New York. Galerie Hioco is member of the S.N.A. (Syndicat National des Antiquaires), the Belgian Royal Chamber of Antiques and Art Dealers and the Asia Week New York Association Inc. Christophe Hioco also served as a director of the Asian Art association in London for 2 years.