Tom Desmet and his son Tobias Desmet focus their interest on classical sculpture from antiquity to neoclassical period, echoing the taste of the Grand Tour.
Their domains of expertise are ancient European sculpture with an emphasis on Greco-Roman sculpture, spanning from Antiquity, early Renaissance, Mannerism (late Renaissance) and Baroque periods.
Their collection presents sculptures, statuettes and bas-reliefs made of marble, bronze, terracotta, and wood; as well as a fine selection of archeological objects from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and the near East.
After a 30-year career as an antique dealer based in Brussels, Tom Desmet expanded his family business with his son Tobias, expert in Egyptology, after he finished his studies at the University of Ghent and spending a five-year building experience in London among renown galleries, experts and auctioneers. Tobias Desmet sharpened his eyes through the years since he was a child, now he is also dedicated to research and providing depth of provenance, which makes a beautiful completion for their dealership with his father. They often travel through Europe and the Northern America to visit private collections, scholars, experts, restores and public institutions.
Of course they rigorously select the pieces showcased at the gallery and during art fairs according to strict criteria of authenticity, conservation, provenance and aesthetic qualities. Gallery Desmet organises exhibitions and participates to acclaimed local and international art fairs, such as BRAFA Art Fair in Brussels, The Brussels Art Square (BAS), ANTICA NAMUR Fine Art Fair and London Art Week.